Status (overview) of bill:
This bill authorizes qualified institutions to receive loans from Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund to repair or replace failing on-site septic systems or to replace failing on-site septic systems with connections to an available sewer.
Fiscal Responsibility
“Qualified institution” means a nonprofit organization registered to operate in the State of Oregon that is certified as a community development financial institution by the Community Development Financial Institution Fund at the United States Department of the Treasury.
Limited Government
Over 30% of Oregonians rely on septic systems to treat wastewater from their homes and businesses. Septic systems which fail or malfunction can pollute Oregon’s land and waterways with raw sewage and create public health hazards. The Oregon Clean Water State Revolving Fund provides low-interest loans to local governments for the planning, design and construction of wastewater treatment facilities, implementation of non-point source pollution management plans, and the design and implementation of estuary management plans. Since the program began in 1988, nearly four hundred communities have benefited from more than a billion dollars of infrastructure investments.