Died in Committee
SB 942A Removes Jason Lee statue
SB 942 A-Engrossed
Will fund the replacement of the statues of Jason Lee and John McLoughlin with Chief Joseph and Abigail Scott Duniway, to be placed in National Statuary Hall in United States Capitol. Declares emergency, effective on passage. Wording changes in amendments.
Personal Choice
Declares emergency, effective on passage. How fair is this to the supporters of Jason Lee and John McLoughlin, leaves no time to counter with a ballot measure. Each state gets 2 statues. Ours are John McLaughlin and Jason Lee who are both FOUNDING FATHERS of the State of Oregon. The statue of Jason Lee shows him holding a petition to add Oregon to the United States in one hand… and a Bible in the other.
Limited Government
This is the third attempt to remove Jason Lee and John McLoughlin for the statuary, 2014 with HB 4071 and 2013 with HB 2387. As the last attempt failed, the Oregon Historical Society was directed to start the process to select replacements.
Local Control
Whereas when the selection for statues for Jason Lee and John McLoughlin, there were public hearings throughout the state, where the Oregon Historical Society was limited in scope. This is an important feature in our Nations Capital and all the citizens in Oregon need to be involved in the process.
Free Markets
The creation of Non Profit for the Oregon State Capitol Foundation, which is being changed to a Non-Profit with HB 2037. No on SB 942 will fund the replacement of the statues of Jason Lee and John McLoughlin with Chief Joseph and Abigail Scott Duniway, to be placed in National Statuary Hall in United States Capitol by changing the
After the attempt last year, the Oregon Historical Society was directed to start the process of selecting replacements.
The process was rushed and limited in scope and did not include all citizens of Oregon, where an online (Internet) poll leaves out many citizens.
When the selection process for the statues for Jason Lee and John McLoughlin were done, there were public hearings held throughout the State and it took years to make that decision.
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