Status (cverview) of bill:
Fiscal Responsibility: Funds government at undetermined rates at the expense of public.
Free Markets: Creates additional convoluted government mechanisms for adjusting Real Property Market Values, outside of the market precess. Property taxes affect markets since they drive up costs and must be taken into account whenever a business tries to move into a new market or increase capacity (and thus value) of the current property.
Limited Government: Creates additional convoluted government mechanisms for adjusting Real Property Market Values Local Control. keeps the $5/$1,000 valuation limit on the schools. However, the state keeps the responsibility for funding while our property taxes skyrocket. Keeps the 50% turnout requirement for bonded indebtedness questions submitted to voters at any election other than the regularly scheduled ones in May and November.
Personal Choice and Responsibility: Refers issue to voters in November, because this is a proposed amendment to the state constitution, all Oregon voters will have the opportunity to weigh in on the matter.
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