HB 3383 Marriage fee hike to pay for Ranked Choice Voting

Increase the marriage license fee from $25 to $35 — a 40% increase! Increases a records search fee or an official certificate request fee from $3.75 to $5 — a 33% increase. Supporters are requesting the fee hikes to pay for County expenses, with election related expenses being among the top rising costs.   This is especially true for Multnomah County…

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HB 3387 Allows PCP and county clerk candidates count ballots

Allows for a PCP or County Clerk candidates to help count ballots. A candidate for any office has a conflict of interest in opening ballots or be alone in a room with the open ballots. It makes the clerk liable and adds stress to the clerk. If the clerk is the candidate, there needs to be a deputy appointed to…

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