Government has used our tax dollars to create one of the biggest labor shortages in recent memory and is now on the verge of taxing the victims, small businesses owners, for not hiring. As you know, recent Federal $1,200 month bonuses (above unemployment payouts) created a situation where people made more staying home than working. So bad it was that…
SB 483 VOTE: NO Signed into Law by Gov Brown on 06/15/21 Status (overview) of bill: This bill create a presumption of guilt for employers accused of retaliation. The law would completely change accepted procedures of fairness. Limited Government Creates rebuttable presumption that person violated prohibition against retaliation or discrimination against employee or prospective employee if person takes certain…
Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown has announced that she has submitted a list of state board and commission appointments to the Oregon Senate for confirmation. Among those Kate Brown has selected, one choice seems to stand out as a curious selection for the Governor’s Child Foster Care Advisory Commission. It seems that Kate Brown has nominated a highly partisan Democrat operative…
“Fate of Oregon’s timber industry hangs in the balance. Struggling to adapt while the coronavirus and wildfires remain a threat, the industry says a path to a recovery is uncertain.” Washington Post 9-28-20 The Washington Post headline reveals how serious our timber communities are in. It is serious. The 2021 Legislature, House Ag & Natural Resource Committee is considering three…
Just when you thought your grandparents in residential care facilities will get the best care, in steps Senators Deb Patterson (D-Salem), Sara Gelser (D_Albany) and James Manning Jr. (D-Eugene) joining forces to introduce SB 714 that removes that individualized care and establishes a minimum staffing ratio for residential care facilities and facilities with memory care endorsements. ORS 443.432 (1) was…
Governor Kate Brown has announced several staffing changes, including the appointment of See Eun (pronounced “she-in”) Kim as executive appointments director, effective February 9. In this role, she will engage with a variety of stakeholder groups across the state to identify qualified candidates to serve on Oregon’s more than 250 boards and commissions, while balancing their needs and goals with…
The Oregon Employment Department reports that the largest gain in median wage during the pandemic was the local government sector at $3.23 hour gain. Compare that to three otehr (sic) industries (transportation, utilities, warehouse) which saw a 20-cent gain. The other services industry average gain was $3.19 per hour and the information industry average gain was $3.15 per hour. For…