SB 78 Restricts rebuilding after disaster

This Act limits the size of replacement homes on forest or farm land and establishes  the maximum size of replacement dwellings. This Act restricts what kind of, how big of, a replacement dwelling may be built on the land as a result of destruction or demolition of the dwelling. The law has already caused problems limiting the timeline of when…

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SJM 3 Federal reimbursement for wildfire costs

Urges the establishment and funding of a federal system to reimburse state and local government property owners and private property owners for damage to real property that results from the spreading of wildfires originating on federal lands Since private property owners are having all the responsibility of potential fires occurring on their property, when most of the time the fires…

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Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

HB 2438 Property Tax Exemption Program for Certain Income Brackets

Signed into Law by Gov Brown

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 2510 Lockup requirements for Firearms

Died In Committee

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

HB 2341 Prorates property taxes due to fire damage

Signed into Law by Gov Brown

HB 2550 Blocks Home Buyers from communicating with Sellers

HB 2550 VOTE: NO Signed into Law by Gov Brown on 06/23/21 Status (overview) of bill: This bill directs seller’s agent to redact or withhold communication from buyer to seller as necessary to help seller avoid selecting buyer based on buyer’s race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status or familial status or in violation of federal…

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