The bills to be debated during the 35-day Oregon Special Session have been introduced this week. House Bill 4079, sponsored by State Representative Brad Witt would create a sales tax in order to give debit cards to lower income people loaded with $750 monthly payments. The sales tax would hit electronic goods, computers, cell-phones, certain vehicles and certain clothing of…
June 9th, Senate Republicans moved to debate a measure that would have repealed taxes on basic necessities. Under current law, prescription drugs, diapers, feminine hygiene products, and baby formula are taxed under the corporate activities tax. Senate Bill 521, a Republican proposal, would exempt these items from taxation. Senator Tim Knopp (R-Bend) made a motion to withdraw SB 521 from…
Sipping a glass of wine and drinking a beer could cost a lot more in Oregon under a proposed bill that would increase alcohol taxes by as much as 3,000 percent to pay for substance abuse prevention and treatment programs. Reps. Tawna Sanchez (D-Portland) and Rachel Prusak (D-Tualatin/West Linn) sponsored House Bill 3296 to boost the wholesale tax on beer…
As one of the few states without a general sales tax, Oregon depends heavily on property tax for revenue. Real property is taxed based on its value — know as ad valorem taxes. As real estate prices spiked in the 1990s — along with taxes — citizens began to become resentful of the tax windfall enjoyed by their governments. In…
Oregon State Representative Nancy Nathanson has introduced three bills asking the State of Oregon to do a study on taxes. One the key goals is to find taxes that are “stable” which is one of the most common words associated when past Oregon lawmakers have discussed a sales tax. Politicians want to be like California which have major property, income…