SB 682 Retro tax on fossil fuel entities

This Act creates a program to recover the costs of climate change. Establishes the Climate Superfund Cost Recovery Program within the Department of Environmental Quality. Establishes the Climate Superfund Cost Recovery Program Account. Requires the State Treasurer to conduct an assessment on the costs of greenhouse gas emissions. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die. This retroactive,…

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HB 2977 Increases hotel tax to pay for wildlife program

Increases the state transient lodging tax by 1% to 2.5%  and transfers moneys attributable to the increase to the Recovering Oregon’s Wildlife Fund Subaccount. Changes the name of the Oregon Conservation Strategy Subaccount to the Recovering Oregon’s Wildlife Fund Subaccount. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die Oregon has nearly doubled the hotel lodging tax to fund…

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HB 2525 Quintuple increase to political tax credit

Expand the Oregon Political Tax Credit from $100 (joint filers) to $500 and from $50 individuals to $250 (single tax filers). Applies to 2025. A taxpayer may not claim the credit allowed under this section if the taxpayer has federal adjusted gross income in excess of $150,000 on a joint return or $75,000 on any other type of return. Expands…

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SJR 15 Abolishes Kicker Refund

The measure would end the provision known as the personal income tax kicker. Proposes an amendment to the Oregon Constitution to cease the requirement of returning surplus revenue to personal income taxpayers beginning July 1, 2025. Refers the proposed amendment to the people for their approval or rejection at the next regular general election. Voters put into the Constitution requiring…

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HB 2757 Funding for 9-8-8 suicide hotline