HB 2010 Continues taxing hospitals & premiums

The Act keeps certain provider taxes in place. Extends the assessment on earnings from health plan premiums, the assessment on payments by the Oregon Health Authority to managed care organizations, the assessment on hospitals and the Oregon Reinsurance Program. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die. Renews a near half-billion in taxes on hospitals and health insurance…

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HB 2083 Study on raising taxes for inflation

The Act would require a study of whether a single law for making adjustments for inflation in the tax laws of this state would be feasible and useful. The Act would require a report of the study to be turned in next year. Requires the Legislative Revenue Officer to study the feasibility and utility of enacting a single statute that…

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SB 1543 Paid lawyers for illegal immigrants

Signed into Law by Gov Brown

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

HB 3373 Adds Taxpayer Advocate to monitor policies

Signed into Law by Gov Brown

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

HB 2598 Imposes severance tax on all timber harvested

Died In Committee