Repeals the ban on the use of public resources to help enforce immigration laws.
Repeals the prohibition on the use of public resources to assist federal immigration enforcement. Repeals the prohibition on law enforcement agencies’ or public bodies’ denying services, benefits, privileges or opportunities to certain individuals on the basis of federal civil immigration actions, inquiring about an individual’s citizenship status without connection to a criminal investigation or providing information about an individual in custody to a federal immigration authority.
Repeals the requirement that a law enforcement agency explain to an individual committed or detained by the law enforcement agency the individual’s right to refuse to disclose nationality, citizenship or immigration status and potential immigration consequences of disclosure.
Repeals the prohibition on public bodies’, law enforcement agencies’ or officers’ entering into specified agreements related to federal immigration enforcement. Repeals the requirement that a public body that receives communication or a request for assistance from a federal immigration authority report the request or communication to the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission.
Returns tools to law enforcement to help federal FBI to capture and export criminals, which is putting the state at risk and costing taxpayers a lot of money.