SJR 203 Constitutional Change to State Board of Education

VOTE: YES – Died in Committee

SUMMARY: Proposes an amendment to the Oregon Constitution providing for the establishment of the State Board of Education.

PERSONAL CHOICE:: Constitution amendment gives voters an opportunity to evaluate how successful or the lack of accountability the current Governor/Superintendent of Public Instruction system has performed. The concept of the bill is a statewide board representing all corners of the state allowing parents more voice in the decisions.

FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY: Structure allows for high school students to take college level courses and unifys the transition from community colleges to public universities without loss of credits.

LIMITED GOVERNMENT: Restructuring assures more accountable for an education system that coordinates stretching from pre-kindergarten through college graduation. The education experts on the statewide board will appoint one of their members to serve as the Superintendent of Public Instruction.  In 2003 Forida made the change from a Governor/Cabinet Superintendent of Public Instruction to a similar appointed board structure with good results.

LOCAL CONTROL: Aimed at structuring a system that is more accountable to local school districts and parents. It eliminates the one-size-fits-all expectation giving more flexibility for local and parent input.


  1.  dbleiler says:

    This is a resolution for an initiative to send to the voters. It has not been schedule a vote in committee so at this point it probably won’t go anywhere.

  2.  B says:

    I thought constitutional changes took a vote of the people – ??


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