This Act stops China or Chinese companies from getting farmland. (Flesch Readability Score: 61.3). Prohibits China or entities under the jurisdiction of China from buying or leasing farmlands.
It is no secret that China intends to take control of the U.S. and that makes them a threat to our freedoms. You should not allow foreign nations to get a foot in the door to set up their communist activities, bring in forces illegally and be protected by Oregon’s sanctuary state.. Oregon made that mistake in the 1980s allowing Rajneeshees to set up a ranch city in Central Oregon.
This bill seeks to prevent the People’s Republic of China (PRC), along with its government agencies and entities under its jurisdiction, from acquiring or leasing agricultural land in Oregon. It explicitly states that any attempts by Chinese entities to purchase, lease, or gain any interest in property designated for exclusive agricultural use will be deemed legally invalid.