SB 867 Prevents religious schools from school choice funding

In Committee
Work Session 02/24/2025 8:00am HR B
Status (overview) of bill:
Committee assigned to bill:

Makes many changes to the powers and duties of ODE for investigations at a school or school district.

  1. Prescribes sanctions that the Department of Education may impose when an elementary or secondary school or program is found to be in noncompliance with a discrimination prohibition.
  2. Clarifies the applicability of provisions related to abuse and sexual conduct in schools when an education provider serves only students who have not yet entered kindergarten.
  3. Specifies that provisions related to abuse and sexual conduct in schools apply to any person who provided services as an employee, a contractor, an agent or a volunteer within two calendar years prior to when the incident of suspected sexual conduct was committed.
  4. Eliminates certain information that must be disclosed to certain persons following the completion of an investigation involving suspected sexual conduct at a school.
  5. Requires law enforcement to make available to the department certain information received during investigations of suspected child abuse.
  6. Modifies standards for determining if a school district or public charter school is involved in religious activity.


The objection is with item 6. The amending language goes from specific prohibiting public schools from being [sponsors, financially supports or is actively involved with religious activity] . Replaces it with ” is in violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution or Article I, section 5, of the Oregon Constitution.”

The First Amendment US Constitution is misconstrued to be a separation of church from state, where it actual separates state from interfering with church, which makes this whole statue in violation of the US Constitution.

Article I, section 5, of the Oregon Constitution reads, “No money to be appropriated for religion. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury for the benefit of any religeous [sic], or theological institution, nor shall any money be appropriated for the payment of any religeous [sic] services in either house of the Legislative Assembly.” This appears to be a backhanded way of preventing School Choice student accounts from being used at religious sponsored schools. Public schools have always pushed difficult students into private schools, and those willing to take them have primarily been religious sponsored schools. Instead of separating them from funding, the legislature should be thanking them for removing them from public school statistics – otherwise public education would look worse.


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  1. I believe all parents should have the right to choose in education system that supports their beliefs!

    We have seen time and time again the public school system lack and fail our children so many times I can’t count all on fingers and toes.

    Before Covid they failed our children. After Covid they have as well. Parents should have a say in where their children go and where money goes and how it is used.

    Your moderation comment policy is ridiculous. It’s a form of censorship. I’d say it works like our politicians here in Oregon/ not for the people.


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