Requires that all candidates will be on the same primary ballot.
Requires all candidates for partisan office and nonpartisan office, regardless of political party affiliation or nonaffiliation, to appear on the same unified primary election ballot, with the five candidates receiving the most votes advancing to the general election ballot. Exempts candidates for President and Vice President of the United States.
A ‘unified primary’ is the same as ‘ranked-choice voting.’ This is an end-run around voters rejecting ranked-choice voting, and unethical for legislators to force it on voters after being rejected.
There isn’t a state that has tried ranked-choice voting, that one or more elections produced a false win. This will never give Oregonians confidence in their voting system.
Its bad enough that we have a 2 party system, an individual should have the right to vote for any person. It should not be limited to Dem., Rep., Lib., etc.
I oppose hb 3166. How dare you do this. This is a round about way to get in ranked choice voting which Oregonians have rejected. This is unethical for legislatures to try and push this through after being rejected by the citizens of Oregon. This will not instill confidence in the voting system.
I urge you to drop this bill.