SB 634 Classify Hydro as Renewable

Public Hearing 03/17/2025 3:00pm HR C
Status (overview) of bill:
Committee assigned to bill:

A hydroelectric facility or any other equipment that generates electricity through the hydroelectric energy may be used to comply with a renewable portfolio standard.

The objection is that hydropower as a renewable would diminish the need for other renewable sources – wind and solar, and save energy costs. Environmentalist object for unsupported reasons since they don’t apply the same standard to killing birds, the use of good farm land, inconsistent power, and that parts can’t be recycled needing large landfills.

Even California gives partial credit to hydropower.

Submit Testimony by 03/19 by 3:00pm

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  1. Hydroelectric power should be considered renewable power. Causes the least amount of harm to the environment. Wind turbines kill millions of birds, devastate the rain forest of balsa and fill land fills.of it’s defunk materials. Solas panels use up good fertil land and release poisons into the environment if the cells are broken. Both wind turbines and solar farms have inconsistent power especially in a state where it rains more times than not.Yes on .hb634.

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