SB 682 Retro tax on fossil fuel entities


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This Act creates a program to recover the costs of climate change.

Establishes the Climate Superfund Cost Recovery Program within the Department of Environmental Quality. Establishes the Climate Superfund Cost Recovery Program Account. Requires the State Treasurer to conduct an assessment on the costs of greenhouse gas emissions. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.

This retroactive, making it retaliation: “Covered period” means the period beginning on January 1, 1995, and ending on December 31, 2024. It applies to individual, trustee, agent, partnership, association, corporation, company, municipality, political subdivision or other legal organization, including a foreign nation, that holds or held an ownership interest (or successor) in a fossil fuel business during the covered period that is responsible for more than one billion metric tons of covered greenhouse gas emissions, in aggregate globally, during the covered period.

The funds collected will be used to adopt, implement and update a resilience implementation strategy that will identify eligible climate change adaptation projects.

A responsible party shall be strictly liable for the costs of climate change caused by the responsible party’s covered greenhouse gas emissions. There is no science to support or connect carbon emissions to climate change. Besides being unconstitutional, ORS 250.105, and the Oregon Constitution, Article IV, Section 1, laws are not allowed to be retroactive. Taxing entities in arrears for 30 years is tyranny at its finest. It is also double taxation after these entities have already purchased credits in compliance with “cap-and-trade.”

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