Senator Jeff Goden (D, SD3) Ashland

Sen. Golden ZOOM Town Hall, 8/31/24

08/31/2024 @ 9:00 am – Sen. Golden (D, SD3), who is a supporter of SB 762  (wildfire risk map) which is causing property values to plummet and insurance companies to drop coverage of those homes, is having a virtual Town Hall on Sat. Aug. 31 at 9 am.  You may request the link to attend this meeting by sending an […]

Rep. Ricki Ruiz D-HD50

Ruiz-Hudson Town Hall, 8-31-24, Gresham, 2:30pm

08/31/2024 @ 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm – Reps. Ruiz (D, HD50) and Hudson (D, HD49) are having a town hall on Sat. Aug. 31st at the Rockwood Library, 2:30 – 4:30 pm. Both Ruiz and Hudson voted FOR the wildfire risk map (SB 762 ) which is causing property values to plummet, insurance companies to drop coverage of those homes, and destroying […]