Signed into Law
This bill requires ASPIRE programs to annually provide financial aid instruction to high school students and their families regarding types of loans available for post-secondary education, an apparent duplication of many already in place programs.
Personal Choice
This is a bill for a new program to provide information which should already be available to students. It is a redundant program which simply creates more bureaucracy and which requires more funding. Students must be responsible to avail themselves of these existing programs and opportunities.
Fiscal Responsiblity
The bill simply duplicates programs that should already be providing this information within the existing structure informing students regarding loans, grants and scholarships. The funding for education is already a heavy burden, primarily on property owners.
Limited Government
More government control and bureaucracy is extended through this bill. It must be defeated.
Local Control
The State Government is systematically taking control in many areas that would be better served if controlled at the local level.
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