HB 2868 Accelerated credit teacher requirements

HB 2868 VOTE: NO
Died In Committee
Status (overview) of bill: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Measures/Overview/HB2868
Committee assigned to bill: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Committees/HED/Overview

This bill establishes minimum graduate level education requirements for teachers that teach accelerated college credit program courses.

Personal Choice and Responsibility
Requirement applies to students who are taught by a parent, legal guardian or private teacher as provided in ORS 339.030. This hits on homeschooling and virtual schools. Besides prohibiting homeschooled students from receiving Accelerated Credits, it is unclear whether it prohibits students from challenging Advanced Placement tests for college credits. If it doesn’t affect AP testing, the bill has no purpose

Limited Government
HB 2868 exempts the dual credit programs and career and technical education courses, so it is focused on Assessment Based Learning Credit. Completing the course doesn’t automatically give a student college credits. The student must pass a college level exam. Oregon College Board offers testing both in-school and at-home.


  1. Wesley Worley says:

    This bill serves no purpose beyond an attack on academic freedom, and does nothing more than pander to the Teacher’s Unions at the expense of Oregon’s citizens.

    This Bill, like so many others in this session, needs to be dropped without action and the Legislature should focus their efforts on restoring public services and getting government out of the way of economic, wildfire, and COVID recovery.

    As it stands, the biggest threat to the rights, security, and economic recovery of all Oregonians is the current Legislative Agenda.

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