HB 2908 Allows examination upon suspicion of accounts of person, political committee or petition committee.

Died In committee on 06/26/21
Status (overview) of bill:https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Measures/Overview/HB2908
Committee assigned to bill: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Committees/HRULES/Overview  

This bill gives the Secretary of State and Attorney General authorization, upon reasonable suspicion that a violation has occurred and in addition to any other action permitted by law, examine the accounts of the person, political committee or petition committee or election law complaints with access to bank accounts and other documentation for the three prior months with access to two years prior.

Personal Choice and Responsibility
An attack on personal rights and privacy just for donating or signing a petition. It gives them the power to access your bank account records and “other documentation” that is unlimited personal intrusion if any discrepancy found for up to 2 years prior, which could include your cell phone, social media pages, internet use, etc.

Fiscal Responsibility
The investigation isn’t just an accounting of an election committee of illegal receipt or use of funds, but authorizes investigations into personal donors and signers of a petition.

Limited Government
The requirement to provide access to committee bank account records and other documentation under this bill may be enforced by writ of mandamus issued by any court of competent jurisdiction. Applies to any independent expenditures made or campaign finance statements filed on or after the effective date of this 2021 Act.


  1. Lynn Bryant DeSpain says:

    Circumvents Protection provided under the “Bill of Rights”, guaranteed in the United States Constitution.

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