Died in Committee
Introduced HB 3046 Grants waiver of public charter school application process if application fits school district board’s goals — i.e., district does not have to use objective and fair criteria in the current law.
Public Hearing scheduled.
Meeting Details 3/18/2015 1:00 PM, HR D
House Committee On Education
HB 3046 will allow the State Board of Education to grant waiver of public charter school application process if school district board can prove the application serves the district’s goals — i.e., the district does not have to use objective and fair criteria in the current law to judge worth of the application.
Personal Choice: It reduces personal choice and responsibility because it will eliminate charters that want to do things differently.
Free Markets: Instead of serving the needs of the customers and the public, they want to have charter proposals that promise to focus on making “underserved” students achieve the state accountability system. In other words, make the charter schools be more like the district schools instead of trying something different that parents want.
Fiscal Responsibility: The bill will result in fewer proposals and fewer charter schools which save taxpayer money.
Limited Government: It enlarges the sphere of government officials e.g., district and state education bureaucrats to dictate the terms of proposals for charter schools.
Local Control: It hurts the local control that charters achieve by making charter operators promise to do exactly what the state is dictating.
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