Signed into Law
Appropriates moneys to the Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development to be used for a grant program that gives money to community colleges to increase number of underserved and low-income student to enroll in community colleges, once again picking winners and losers in offering “free” money for college studies.
Personal Choice
Another program to take funds from Oregon taxpayers to give it to certain “needy” students to fund their higher education studies. There are many programs already available to help students who need financial help. Allow students in need to avail themselves of the many loan, grant and scholarship programs in place without forcing another tax burden on the working class. The bills declares that this is “an emergency” and needs to go into effect as soon as passed, thus depriving citizens from exercising their rights to a referendum.
Fiscal Responsiblity
The bill requests 3 million dollars to initiate the program. Everyone knows and has experienced the fact that programs like this start small but they require more and more funding, taking more and more dollars from other obligations and/or requiring more tax dollars.
Limited Government
This bill represents more government encroachment on its citizens.
Free Markets
Higher education is a choice and families and individuals must make the decision regarding the value of that product.