HB 3464 Limits Citizen Status Checks

HB 3464 VOTE:NO – Signed by Governor Kate Brown

Status (cverview) of bill:https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2017R1/Measures/Overview/HB3464
Committee assigned to bill:https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2017R1/Committees/HRULES/Overview


This bill prohibits public body from disclosing specified personal information concerning citizen status unless required by state or federal law.

Personal Choice and Responsibility
Intended to provide security to illegal immigrants, but will put citizens at risk. Declares emergency, effective on passage that will prevent citizens from using their Constitutional right to hold a Referendum on the bill.

Fiscal Responsibility
Prohibits public body from inquiring person’s citizenship or immigration status except as required by state or federal law or when determining benefit eligibility, which has and will increase the fiscal impact on the state.

Limited Government
Proposed on behalf of Gov. Kate Brown and Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum to strengthen privacy protections for vulnerable immigrant populations. It requires the Attorney General to provide guidance to all public bodies as to how to interact with immigration enforcement activities. It illegally ties the hands of law enforcement when trying to ascertain the truth about a person’s immigration status. It hides and allows the harboring of people who have broken our federal immigration laws. It encourages unlawful persons to come to our state for the purpose of eluding immigration authorities. It undermines the security of our state and nation. It is an unconstitutional law.

Local Control
Authorizes public body to decline to disclose information concerning persons citizenship or immigration status except as required by state or federal law or in certain other circumstances. Directs Attorney General to publish model policies for public bodies intended to limit, in manner consistent with state and federal law, immigration enforcement in public facilities.

Free Markets
It undermines the ability to do background checks by employers. It puts a lot of people and businesses at risk as jobs that require these background checks are often taking care of vulnerable people and systems.


  1. BJ says:

    HB 3464, which would grant “privacy” to illegal aliens is now in the Oregon Senate.  It was voted out of the House on June 20 and is now in the Senate Rules Committee awaiting action there.  That Committee can schedule a hearing for HB 3464 at any time now.  We expect it will be fast-tracked because June 24 is the target date for adjournment of this legislative session, while July 10 is the Constitutional deadline for adjournment.

    Please contact your State Senator and urge him/her to oppose HB 3464, and to vote against it.

    If you don’t have contact information for your House member, you can find it through a link on the Legislature’s homepage headed “Find Your District and Legislators.”  When you enter your home address, a little card appears that displays the name, phone number, and email address of your State Senator.  If you have difficulty with contact information, call OFIR at 503-435-0141.
    HB 3464 is a bad bill because it expands sanctuary status for illegal aliens, preventing local authorities from cooperating as they should with federal immigration authorities.  As OFIR Pres. Kendoll wrote in an op-ed published in The Statesman Journal, the bill undermines the rule of law generally and U.S. immigration law specifically by shielding criminal aliens from detection.


    HB 3464 weakens our national security.

    Many people have died in terrorist attacks made easier by poor immigration controls.

    Illegal aliens take jobs that otherwise would be available to citizens.

    Wages generally have fallen and our homeless population grows constantly.

    Schools and all social services are burdened by large numbers of immigrants, many of them here illegally.

    Oregon voters have already told the Legislature through M-88, the referendum on driver cards for illegal aliens, that voters do not want benefits to illegal aliens or acceptance of illegal immigration.

    HB 3464 further ties the hands of law enforcement and localities in cooperating with ICE.

    No nation can survive with open borders.

    Legislators, is making illegal aliens comfortable more important to you than attending to the many problems faced today by Oregon’s citizens?

    The Senate Rules Committee is anxious to hear from you regarding HB 3464, the “Illegal Alien Protection Act”.  Your emailed testimony can be sent here:  srules.exhibits@oregonlegislaure.com

    Senate President Peter Courtney would appreciate hearing your thoughts on HB 3464.  Senator Courtney has the ability to kill this bill before it even gets to the Senate floor.  CALL and EMAIL him today and Monday!

    Also, please call or email your comments on HB 3464 to individual members of the Senate Rules Committee:

    Senate President Peter Courtney503-986-1600Sen.PeterCourtney@oregonlegislature.gov
    Senate Democrat Leader Ginny Burdick (D-18)503-986-1700Sen.GinnyBurdick@oregon.legislature.gov
    Senate Republican Leader Ted Ferrioli (R-30)503-986-1950Sen.TedFerrioli@oregonlegislature.gov
    Senator Lee Beyer (D-06)503-986-1706Sen.LeeBeyer@oregonlegislature.gov
    Senator Brian Boquist (R-12)503-986-1712Sen.BrianBoquist@oregonlegislature.gov
    Senator Arnie Roblan (D-05)503-986-1705Sen.ArnieRoblan@oregonlegislature.gov
  2. Jan says:

    It is wrong of the state to seek to protect criminal aliens from legal deportation.  Thumbing your nose at the Federal government may lead to more workplace raids that send illegal aliens with no criminal record for deportation.



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