HB 4029 School admin training mandates

Died in Committee on 3-4-22
Declared an Emergency
Status (overview) of bill: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2022R1/Measures/Overview/HB4029

Gives the Oregon Department of Education more power over local school board training, including boards of public charter schools and educational service districts mandating superintendents follow state training. Prescribe requirements for professional learning plans. Directs ODE to establish a list of trainers and an advisory group on professional learning and training.

Personal Choice and Responsibility
The bill inches further away from parent recognition and input into the local school board. Removes alternative private schools as an option for parents.

Fiscal Responsibility
Creates another program that will remove dollars from actually teaching students.

Limited Government
The bill directs the ODE to create and manage a directory of persons/organizations qualified to provide professional learning and training, prescribe requirements for professional learning plans, establish an advisory group, create and manage funds for professional learning and training, and report biennially. It is not in the best interest of students to mandate centralized control over what types of professional learning are deemed acceptable for our governing bodies to access. Local districts are better situated to respond to the interests and needs of their communities.

Local Control
The bill requires superintendents to abide by the training determined by the state, and forces private schools to comply. Takes away the ability of the school board to alter or object to the state’s recommendation such as CRT, sexual orientation, etc, that is driving parents to withdraw students. Each governing body would be required to conduct a self-assessment every two years in order to adjust requirements for professional learning plans. The self- assessment is to “focus on education equity, board governance practices, improving equitable outcomes, student progress, access and opportunity, with an emphasis on underserved and underrepresented communities, [and to] review improvement plans and budgets.” (Section 1 of the bill)


  1. Jody Nixon says:

    I ask that there is a NO vote on bill HB4029. This bill is not something that will benefit the schools in Oregon. We need LESS power from the Oregon Department of Education – not more. This bill would hinder parents from giving as much input at the school board meetings. WHY would a bill be passed to take away parental input? This bill will spend MONEY in unnecessary areas that don’t actually teach the students . WHO wants that? Oregon right now is rated the 3rd worst state academically. This bill CERTAINLY will not help our state to rise above that.
    Please think of the children!
    Jody Nixon

  2. Carmen Robinson says:

    I ask there is a NO vote on HB 4029. Local school districts are better suited to respond to the interests and needs of their communities. ODE does NOT need more control, but rather less control. Removing alternative Private schools, as an option for parents, is taking away the rights of parents. We as parents should have a voice in what our children are being taught and where we choose to send them for an education. These are our children, NOT the ODE’s children and this would be an overreach of power. It’s time to put our children first, which clearly is NOT the case in Oregon. Just look at our national standings. It’s embarrassing and a direct result of the leadership that’s already in place. They DON’T need more power!!
    Again, I ask for a NO vote on HB 4029.

    Thank you,
    Carmen Robinson

  3. Cara Core says:

    I also ask that there is a NO vote on bill HB4029. This bill will NOT benefit the children nor the schools in Oregon. We need LESS power from the Oregon Department of Education – not more. WHY would we even be considering a bill that would take away parental input? Parents are the actual people who have a vested interest & responsibility to our children. We are the people who truly care that our children, the future of our country, are being taught the actual subjects that are needed to thrive & succeed in our society.
    HB4029 would hinder parents from giving as much input at the school board meetings. Also, forcing private schools to comply with control from the state. This is unacceptable. This bill will spend MONEY in unnecessary areas that don’t actually teach the students.
    Again, please vote NO on HB4029!

  4. Jenny says:

    NO on bill HB4029
    Oregon schools are failing. Literally, they are at the bottom for academics and graduation rates. The ODE is responsible for this. Why would we continue to give them more power or continue to follow their lead? Local control. Private is private for a reason. Parents do not co-parent with the ODE.
    It is time for change not more of the same.

  5. Tiffany G says:

    I also ask for a NO vote on this bill! We need less overreach by the ODE not more. Parents need to have choice for schools for their kids. This is not the government’s responsibility to dictate our kids education. Local direction is necessary to keep education pertinent for families. Vote NO on this bill!


  6. Stephanie says:

    Please vote NO on HB4029. Local control is essential for instilling the values of a community. Oregon is a very large state with a great deal of political and practical diversity between the large city populations and the rural communities. Applying the rules of large city living to the rural communities not only disenfranchises voters, but it also damages systems that are in place for function of the community at large.
    Oregon’s government is supposed to serve all the citizens, not just the ones in the big cities. It would be a Dis-service to enact this bill.

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