Died In Committee on 06/26/21
Status (overview) of bill:
Committee assigned to bill:
This bill establishes a 24-member Task Force on Restorative Justice charged with making recommendations to reduce: (1) exclusionary discipline in schools; (2) juvenile incarceration; and (3) racial disparities in both the education and juvenile justice systems. The task force is required to submit a report to Legislature by September 15, 2022.
Fiscal Responsibility
The purpose is to create a new program using 24 people, which only 3 or 4 have any expertise on the subject. There are programs that touch on restorative issues currently that should expand to deal with positive outcomes and not just focus on restrictions to accomplish “Justice.” The expense of a new program isn’t what our schools need and shouldn’t even be studied.
Limited Government
Task force to study restorative justice systems, study requirements and oversight in other states, both in education and juvenile justice. Consult with national experts on restorative justice and restorative practices in education and juvenile justice. Consult with researchers from the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission. Recommend statutory definitions and policies for implementing restorative justice in both the public education system and the juvenile justice system of this state. Recommend the scope, duties and membership of a permanent, independent restorative justice council to oversee restorative justice programs.
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