The Act expands who can bring a civil action for abuse of a vulnerable person.
Modifies the definition of “vulnerable person” for purposes of civil action for abuse of a vulnerable person to include individuals under 18 years of age. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
This bill has good intentions but grave consequences. The simple addition of individuals under 18 years old to ORS 124.100 holds other consequences in other statues that use the term “vulnerable person” There is financial exploitation that could impact sports programs, DHS rules define vulnerable person as lacking in physical and emotional development.
This is a slippery slop. The state has long used children to take away parents rights and have taken children from homes to perform surgeries that proved to be devastating. Children have also claimed falsely of parental abuse when they couldn’t have their way.
The bill allows anyone to file claim, without evidence, and the claim has the effect of guilty until proven innocent. It opens the door of excessive litigation against parents.
It is bad enough to be a child subject to abuse. Now civil penalties may serve to provide for and fund an escape from the abuser(s).