Adds employees of the Oregon Youth Authority or a county juvenile department to the list of people who are authorized to petition the circuit court for an order compelling a third party to complete a test for communicable diseases under certain circumstances.
The real concern is forcing another person to be tested against their will without any evidence that a disease has affected the petitioner is judging them guilty without any evidence. The petitioner should first be required to be tested to provide evidence for the right to infringe on someone else’s rights and freedoms.
Adding youth authorities is a recipe for abuse because kids are sick all the time and testing isn’t accurate. They should make their case to the Health Authority as anyone else needs to avoid abuse.
THANK YOU, Oregon Citizens Lobby!
Thank you for the TERRIFIC research to narrow the list of 2,467 Bills that received a First Reading! UNBELIEVABLE super-majority actions coming from Salem’s temple of Communist tyranny presents an unconstitutional attack against all Oregonians!