Died In Committee
Status (overview) of bill:
Refers to the voters the option to vote to amend the Oregon Constitution to limit the Governor’s ability to declare an emergency or exercise powers under the declaration of emergency to only those granted by the law and for 30 days.
Personal Choice and Responsibility
This resolution would bring better balance to Oregon’s government which currently concentrates a large amount of authority in a single office. It will protect the public from unnecessary restrictions and mandates, which reduce freedoms.
Fiscal Responsibility
Unconstitutional mandates have caused irreparable harm to Oregon’s citizens, schools, medical organizations and businesses. Many Oregonians have chosen to leave the state over it. Oregon’s costs for these mandates are out of control and will linger for years.
Limited Government
The Governor has used several agencies to mandate unconstitutional restrictions.
Free Markets
Businesses need to thrive through all kinds of emergencies in order for the states economy to handle the expenses of recovering from an emergency.
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