SB 697 restricts firearms possession to age 21


Status (overview) of bill:
Committee assigned to bill:

The Act limits gun possession for people who are under 21 years of age.  Prohibits a person under 21 years of age from possessing firearms with specified exceptions. Punishes by a maximum of 364 days’ imprisonment, a fine of up to $6,250, or both. Prohibits a person from transferring certain firearms to a recipient the person knows, or reasonably should know, is under 21 years of age. Punishes by a maximum of 364 days’ imprisonment, a fine of up to $6,250, or both. Specifies exceptions.

Does not apply to or affect police officers, certified reserve officers, reserve officers or active or reserve members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard or Marine Corps of the United States or of the National Guard.

Does the constitution provide for a duel citizens status that forbids ownership of a firearm to a legal citizen unless they are employed by government?

Federal appeals court rules handgun ban on adults under 21 is ‘unconstitutional’

{See comments below for more ideas in writing testimony.}

Email Judiciary Committee:



  1. This is nothing less than another attempt by the left to undermine the Second Amendment to the Constitution which by the way has no age limit for possession of firearms. If a person is old enough to register for the selective service and therefore fight and die in a war for this country, they are old enough and should therefore have the constitutional right to possess a firearm.

  2. Second Amendment
    “A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

    Notice there are no addendums, asterisks, or other side comments that mention age, height, weight, color of your eyes, or color of your skin. Yet the Oregon Democratic state Senators have introduced bill SB697.
    Which says: “Prohibits a person under 21 years of age from possessing firearms with specified exceptions. “

    This appears to be an attempt to rewrite the Second Amendment to include an age requirement. Now, the question becomes: When did the Oregon State Senate’s power reach high enough to amend the Bill of Rights? This is the problem we have in Oregon with Democrats. The Democrat legislators don’t want to obey the existing laws written in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. Yet, when they write a law or bill, they expect the citizens of Oregon to obey without question. If the bill or law strips away the Constitutional protections Oregonians have that are enumerated in the Bill of Rights, then too bad, according to the Democrats our laws that we write supersede the Constitution.

  3. With SB 697. How many founders couldn’tnown a gun?
    Andrew Jackson, 9
    (Major) Thomas Young, 12
    Deborah Sampson, 15
    James Armistead, 15
    Sybil Ludington, 15
    Joseph Plumb Martin, 15
    Peter Salem, 16
    Peggy Shippen, 16
    Marquis de Lafayette, 18
    James Monroe, 18
    Charles Pinckney, 18
    Henry Lee III, 20
    Gilbert Stuart, 20
    John Trumbull, 20
    Aaron Burr, 20
    John Marshall, 20

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