GOAL: All postings have the same appearance by using the same style, formatting, fonts, etc. This makes them easier to read and understand.
Log In: https://oregoncitizenslobby.org/wp-admin (use your user name and password you created for OCL website)
To START a new alert:
Click “Add New”
Enter title: Start with the LETTERS in CAPS; space; numbers; space; then a SHORT title starting with a capital letter. Don’t capitalize every word. Don’t put YES or NO in the title. See example in image below:
Bill numbers: they have a space between the letters and the numbers on the legislative website; we should keep the same format. Put a space between the letters and numbers (i.e.: SB 556) throughout your post.
In the editor:
Write a short description of what the bill does. Sometimes this is already done on the TTV analysis.
Got to the TTV website for the bill you are posting, and copy the text from there, paste it into the editor underneath your discription.
List the 5 Principles used to grade the bill from the Track Their Vote website. Bold each of the 5 Principles if needed.
Requires tax payers to pay more taxes.
Personal Choice
This bill totally eliminates a person’s choice to pay more or less taxes.
Fiscal Responsibility
What this money will be used for is not specified. Taxpayers have the right to know what their money will be spent on.
Limited Government
More layers of bureaucracy will be created, increasing the size of government.
Local Control
This gives no control whatsoever to the taxpayers.
Free Markets
Increased taxes on the public will hurt free markets by reducing taxpayer’s spending money.
Scroll down the page till you get to the “more fields” This is where you put in the date of the alert, the bill number, how to vote, the link to the ORLS overview page, the link to the assigned committee, and the OCL email address for this category. Each field has prompts below it to help guide you on how to fill it out.
It is important for you to keep track of what is happening with this bill –
- If it is scheduled for a hearing, put that in the appropriate fields (this creates an Action Alert), and remove this information once the date has past.
- Keep the outcome of the bill updated as well, this must be done before the alert can be archived.
In the upper right hand corner of the page, where it says “Publish”, click on the “edit” button at “Publish immediately” and change the date to the date of the alert.
Click the button that says “Save Draft” then click on “Preview” to check how your post looks. Check your links to make sure they go where they are supposed to; fix any errors and click the “Save Draft” again.
When you publish your post, a notice will automatically go to the OCL Twitter and Facebook accounts. Editing your post AFTER you publish it will not resend to Twitter or Facebook automatically.
Once you are satisfied everything is working and ready to go, click on the green “Publish” button (seen in above image).
For instructions on what to do to make this alert and “action alert” – click here.
More Questions? Please post them in the comments section below so all members can benefit from them as well – thanks! Becky