Please edit to fit your own team! November 12, 2021, updated
Team Leaders will receive the Volunteer form from the Group Coordinator.
(FIRST CONTACT) Do not assign a TTV account without the second contact!
Hello and welcome John Doe,
I’m ‘Your Name’ your Team Leader and Point of Contact for the
Oregon Citizens Lobby (OCL) ‘Your Team’
I have received your Analyst Volunteer information form, Thank You!
This is an exciting volunteer opportunity where you can hold your Legislators accountable, by actually reading the bill, scoring, and rating the impact.
Please reply back to this email to complete our connection.
Thank You,
OCL Team Leader
Team Name
(SECOND CONTACT) Notify Communications when the TTV account has been created.
Hi John,
Thank you for replying back, looking forward to working with you!
Most everything you need to know is on the Oregon Citizens Lobby website, viewing the public training is essential to understanding the basics of how bills are put together and getting the full benefit of the OCL 2021 Analyst Training, .
Please set aside at least an hour of uninterrupted time to view the analyst training, after viewing if you have any questions. Let me know!
I have created your analyst account on TTV
Your username is John.Doe (Note the period between first and last name, Case sensitive) Create your unique password!
Enter a password you can remember, you will be asked to enter your Username and password again,
that is your password!
If you forget your password, let us know and we will reset your TTV account.
As you learn the TTV and have selected committees, during a legislative session you will be offered ten bills based on the committees selected, each time the My To Do List is accessed the offerings can change based on what is available.
You may select any bill you are comfortable with completing the analysis. OCL Team Leaders are responsible for certain Legislative Committees, if you select a bill that isn’t in my area, you could be contacted by one of the other Team Leaders.
When you select a bill to analyze, you own the bill for the session. Let your Team Lead know if you are unable to complete a bill, if you abandon the bill, a team leader may reassign. It is important to get updates on the bill by getting RSS feed or email notice.
When you score a bill with an 8 or above, notify your team lead, as this would be an alert bill.
I will be keeping you updated on any Bills that are available that may be of interest; you may also request any bill that is not on your To Do List, if available, can be assigned to you.
Advisors and the OCL Team are at your disposal if you have any questions.
Thank You,
OCL Team Leader
Team name