Two of the Oregon Legislative Session’s most contentious bills died in Committee as the Oregon Capitol closed their 2021 Session this weekend.

Farm overtime: House Bill 2358 would have required Ag employers to pay farm workers overtime if they worked more than 40 hours in a week.  This bill received many long hearings and headlines during the year but failed to pass.  The issue may be expected to be taken up again during the short 2020 February Session.

Timber taxes: The 2021 Session began with three different timber tax increase bills.  These tax increases on timber and lumber products also received a lot of attention and industry alarm but died in Committee in the end.

Nearly $600 million was approved for wildfire victims of Oregon’s historic wildfires from 2020.

Posted at Natural Resource Report by Admin on 6-28-21

Date: 2021-06-29 07:33

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