Politicians push 3 timber taxes on already hurting rural Oregon

“Fate of Oregon’s timber industry hangs in the balance. Struggling to adapt while the coronavirus and wildfires remain a threat, the industry says a path to a recovery is uncertain.”
Washington Post 9-28-20

The Washington Post headline reveals how serious our timber communities are in. It is serious.Image: Distraught couple outside their burnt-to-the-ground home

The 2021 Legislature, House Ag & Natural Resource Committee is considering three diferent timber taxes this week — HB 2379, HB 2598, HB 2389

HB 2379 enacts a 5% severance tax, HB 2598 creates a 3-8% severance tax, HB 2389 makes the current Forest Products Harvest Tax rate permanent and increases it to inflation.

Oregon should not be raising taxes during a pandemic, economic shutdown and historic wildfires. Our pandemic has been the worst in a 100 years. Oregon’s shutdown has lasted longer than 48 states. Our wildfires have been historic in their damage.

Damaged rural areas from the wildfire need jobs, not taxes.   These taxes will hit products made by rural Oregonians and on businesses that employ rural Oregonians.

HB 2389 makes the timber tax automatically increased due to inflation which puts its increase at the hands of an economic ticker as opposed to the vote of our elected officials.

Early informational hearings begin today and official public hearings will begin on Thursday in the House Ag & Natural Resource Committee.

Published in the Oregon Catalyst, Feb 23, 2021

Related: HB 2379 5% timber tax

HB 2598 Imposes severance tax on all timber harvested

Date: 2021-02-24 08:32

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