Signed into law by Gov Brown on 3-24-22
Status (overview) of bill:
This bill establishes the Elliott State Research Forest, but is not about creating a sustainable forest for cutting and selling timber for the common school fund. It is more boondoggles for inclusive public processes and equity and to create an enduring, world-class research forest.
Personal Choice and Responsibility
The Elliot and Common School lands have been mismanaged which has resulted in a rip-off of the Common school fund. This bill removes the Elliott State Forest Lands from State Board of Forestry management.
Fiscal Responsibility
Oregon K-12 schools have lost $100+ million through mismanagement, including the complete closure when OSU got involved, — the past 10+ years, and cost 400 rural jobs in the process. Forest Authority may request the State Treasurer to issue bonds for financing to be used for administration. A plan to buy the forest from ourselves.
Limited Government
Creates Elliott State Research Forest Authority to administer Elliott State Research Forest governed by a board of directors. Authorizes exchange of land if it consolidates the forest. The requirement of the Administrative Procedures Act ORS 183.310 to 183.497 do not apply to actions of the Elliott State Research Forest Authority or the board of directors.