Signed into law by Gov Brown on 3-7-22
Status (overview) of bill:
Requires transportation delivery companies and third-party food delivery platforms to meet or exceed specified targets for percentage of service miles provided by zero-emission vehicles, and removes the limit on rebates claimed.
Personal Choice and Responsibility
When COVID made our lives miserable, transportation networks became a necessity delivering essentials needed, but mostly food. They remain to be a delivery service we depend on for many restaurants of all types. This bill mandates that all third-party food delivery platform drivers use a zero emissions vehicle by 2032. Since most use their own cars, many will lose their jobs, which isn’t lucrative to afford an electric car. Subsequent negative impact on those most vulnerable.
Fiscal Responsibility
The bill removes the cap on how many electric vehicle rebates can be claimed by one person. The lifting (and prohibition) of the cap would allow single entities to claim large numbers of rebates. This is highly problematic, given that the rebate program is already likely to be oversubscribed by more than $7 million in 2022.
Limited Government
While the legislation establishes targets for transportation network companies’ percentage of zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) service miles, the targets are too low and unenforceable. The targets apply only to “service miles” which are defined so restrictively as to apply to only when a passenger or delivery is in the vehicle (about half of the driving done by TNC vehicles is part of the work). Additionally, the ZEV targets can be revised if it is not “feasible” to meet them and no mechanism is included for enforcement or reporting.
Local Control
Preempts local jurisdictions from establishing new fees on TNCs, and restricts their use of existing fees to cover regulation of rideshare services or food delivery or funding expansion of electric vehicle infrastructure. This preemption limits the ability of jurisdictions to manage their local systems and use their own revenue as needed in their own communities.
Free Markets
This bill appears to have ramifications for drivers – on insurance, pay, worker protections, assigning responsibility, and owning a ZEV by 2032. Employers are not qualified to assess many of these requirements. Unsurmountable ramification for small business, especially in smaller towns in rural areas which are already underserved.
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