VOTE:NO Died In Committee on 06-26-21 Status (overview) of bill: Committee assigned to bill: This bill provides a method for accelerating the decarbonization of the grid to an emissions based approach that is a more comprehensive strategy producing more assured outcomes giving PUC greater leverage to direct utilities to meet requirements. Personal Choice and Responsibility The bill changes rates from…
VOTE: NO – Passed Committee, At Desk upon adjournment. Authorizes PUC to consider differential energy burden and other inequities of affordability in rates.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee. Requires electric companies to invest one percent of total rates collected in programs to accelerate transportation electrification.
VOTE:NO – Passed committee, At Desk upon adjournment. Authorizes PUC to allow electric companies to force ratepayers to pay for infrastructure to service electric vehicles.
VOTE:NO – Died In Committee. Establishes standards to prohibit construction or new infrastructure for exploration and production of oil and gas on state property and also prevents the transportation of gas and oil across state property
VOTE:NO – Died In Committee. Modifies general powers of PUC to require electric companies to account for external cost of greenhouse gas emissions without credible data, and more.
VOTE:YES – Died in Committee – Exempts small modular reactors from certain siting restrictions that apply to nuclear-fueled thermal power plants, and requires placement in city or county where electors have approved of small modular reactors being located.
VOTE:NO – Passed – Signed by Gov – Caps electricity generated by any single biomass facility that may be used to meet renewable standards in order to promote diversity of resource types that can be used to comply with Oregon’s small-scale renewable energy requirement.
VOTE: NO – Died in Committee – Oregon Global Warming Commission is abolished, creating the Oregon Energy and Climate Board to set policy and renaming the ODOE to Oregon Department of Energy and Climate.
VOTE: YES – Died in Committee – Protects Oregonians from excessive energy costs. The “Ratepayers Protection Act,” will fix the state’s broken energy policy that has hurt vulnerable Oregonians.
VOTE:NO – Died in Committee – Requires Environmental Quality Commission to adopt rules that increases the greenhouse gas emissions reduction standards no later than January 1, 2018.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Extends sunset from 2022 to January 1, 2024 for tax credit for biomass production or collection of all types of biomass reducing long term revenues without the benefit of reporting on its success.
Vote NO – Passed – Directs PUC to develop renewable standards eliminating coal and increase renewable power to double that required by the Oregon Renewable Portfolio Standards.
VOTE:NO Passed Status (overview) of bill: This bill directs Oregon Business Development Department to establish program to incentivize solar energy. Establishes Solar Incentivization Fund for purposes of program. Sunsets 1/2/2023. Declares an emergency. Free Markets: Bill creates a program that will incentivize generating electricity from solar energy, an effort that incentivizes an agenda rather than following a free market policy….
VOTE:N0 Died in Committee Status of bill: Personal Responsibility: ORS 267.385 authorizes districts to impose an excise tax on certain employers’ gross payroll by ordinance. If passed this bill would amend 267.385 to – in effect – remove an employee’s right to vote on a new tax or tax increase. Fiscal Responsibility: The bill limits the expenditure of the taxes authorized…
VOTE:NO Died in Committee Status (overview) of bill: Provides that funding for cost-effective energy efficiency measures, market transformation measures, new renewable energy resources and low-income weatherization is subject to ratemaking processes of Public Utility Commission. Declares emergency. Free Markets: The increased consumer rates authorised by this bill will be used to assist the introduction of new, more expensive renewable…
VOTE:NO Died in Committee Status (overview) of bill: SUMMARY: Directs PUC to develop renewable standards eliminating coal and increase renewable power to double that required by the Oregon Renewable Portfolio Standards. PERSONAL CHOICE: Utilities can usually pass prudently incurred costs to ratepayers limiting them to a 10% profit. This bill has significant incentives to build solar and wind powered generation…
This bill replaces HB 3415 to conduct a review of statutes and rules applicable to best practices and standards for hydraulic fracturing reporting recommendations by 9/15/2016.
SB824 Requires certain public improvement contracts to contain and reserve one percent of total contract price for performing repowers or retrofits of certain diesel engines used in course of performing contract.
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