VOTE:NO – Signed into law by Gov.Kotek on 8-4-23, effective 8-4-23
Status (overview) of bill:https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2023R1/Measures/Overview/SB166
Based on Amendment, this bill explicitly guarantees each elector’s right to vote, establishes and reclassifies crimes against election workers as Class C felonies, alters requirements of annual county election security plans, and changes the elector information with their registration file that is required to be shared.
Allows exemption of residence address of any family member, residing with either elector who participates in Address Confidentiality Program or election worker, from disclosure as public record, unless county clerk receives a court order or request from any law enforcement agency.
Shortens time period when political parties can request list of electors, from not earlier than six months before an election to not earlier than three months. Limits period when political parties can request list of electors by excluding period beginning on election date and ending 14 days after election date.
Makes individual signatures on petition signature sheets subject to public disclosure and may be inspected in office of chief elections officer. Prohibits officer from making copy of and distributing signature, unless explicitly required to do so as part of official duties. Exempts certain costs from calculations of whether candidate is required to file statement of organization, establish campaign account or file required campaign finance statements. Excludes candidate debate or forum for state office from being considered candidate contribution if host uses neutral criteria that are publicized in advance of sending invitations.
Changes notification requirement for Secretary of State (SOS) or Attorney General to notify subject of complaint of alleged violations of elections law from when complaint filed to only if investigation will take place. Changes date by when SOS is required to canvass the votes for each measure, from no later than the 37th day after the election to no later than the 30th day. Clarifies the post-election hand count certification date for a measure is no later than the 30th day after the election and no later than the 37th day for a candidate.
Changes formula for candidacy petition signature requirements following redistricting. Removes county judges who exercise judicial functions from certain required filings with Secretary and classifies them as “nonpartisan office.” Removes language invalidating ballots with write-in candidate.
Extends time after special district territory election for entry of order and return of deposits. Requires order to be entered within 15 days after election results are certified instead of 30 days after date of election. Changes deadline for return of deposits from 30th day after election to 45 days after election results are certified.
Allows county clerk to, upon request, permit elector who is absent from electoral district during election period to obtain ballot at office of county clerk or receive ballot by mail no earlier than 43 days before date of election.
Requires place of residence to be listed on primary ballot only when two or more candidates for the same nomination, except candidates for precinct committeeperson, have the same first and last name as provided in official election documents.
Removes ability of county clerk to cancel voter registration of person who registers to vote in another county in Oregon.
Prohibits candidate, political committee, or a petition committee from accepting aggregate contributions from a single source of more than $100 per calendar year in the form of physical currency of the United States or of any other country.
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