Signed into Law by Gov Brown on 04/21/21
Status (overview) of bill:
This bill increases penalties for teachers who sexually abuse students and closes a loophole in state law that lets teachers off with lighter penalties than coaches for sexually abusing students. Punishes by maximum of five years’ imprisonment, $125,000 fine, or both.
Limited Government
Under current law, a person commits the crime of sexual abuse in the second degree when: (a) The person subjects another person to sexual intercourse, oral or anal sexual intercourse or, except as provided in ORS 163.412, penetration of the vagina, anus or penis with any object other than the penis or mouth of the actor and the victim does not consent thereto; or (b) The person violates ORS 163.415 (1)(a)(B); The person is 21 years of age or older; and (C) At any time before the commission of the offense, the person was the victim’s coach. SB 649 expands the crime of sex abuse in the second degree to include certain sexual abuses committed against a minor when the defendant is the victim’s teacher.
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