Signed into Law by Gov Brown on 05/26/21
Status (overview) of bill:
This bill moves program that funds pilot projects in architecture, construction trades and engineering for high school juniors and seniors from Office of Community Colleges and Workforce Development to Higher Education Coordinating Commission. Designates OregonServes Commission as AmeriCorps service commission for Oregon.
Limited Government
In 2017, House Bill 3470 moved Oregon Volunteers from the Housing and Community Services Department to the Office of the Governor. Later, House Bills 5201 and 4163 (2018) moved Oregon Volunteers to the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC), where it is currently housed in the Office of Workforce Investments. Senate Bill 77A replaces Oregon Volunteers Commission for Voluntary Action and Service with OregonServes Commission. Designates OregonServes Commission as AmeriCorps service commission for Oregon. Modifies membership and responsibilities of OregonServes Commission. Repeals requirements for volunteer screening guidelines. Repeals Oregon Volunteer and Community Service Act. Moves grant program for architecture, construction and engineering education pilot projects from Office of Community Colleges and Workforce Development to Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC). Requires Higher Education Coordinating Commission to prepare annual report concerning plant closings and mass layoffs. Modifies abilities of Oregon Youth Corps program director. Changes deadline for annual report on Oregon National Career Readiness Certification Program. Requires community colleges to meet accreditation requirements set by Higher Education Coordinating Commission before awarding certificate or degree relating to emergency medical services.
Local Control
Moving programs to HECC takes control away from the community and the community college boards.
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