HB 4002 reform Measure 110 – Democrat

This bill has a 137 page amendment in -24 as the basis of what goes forward that House leadership write behind closed doors. This is only the start of keeping the public at arm’s length. This may be the only chance to testify if it is passed to Ways & Means to approve funding. The proposal is a Band-Aid that…

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HB 4036 Reform of Measure 110 – Republican

This bill is the Republican’s solution to amend Measure 110. House Republican Leader Rep. Jeff Helfrich (R-Hood River) issued the following statement. “A 1500% increase in overdoses is the direct result of Oregon enabling drug use with Measure 110. People will keep dying at nation-leading rates as long as this failed policy remains in place,” said Leader Helfrich. “The majority…

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SB 1555 Creates crimes related to controlled substance

The Act creates new drug crimes and increases penalties for some drug offenses. This bill makes changes to Ballot Measure 110, including changes to treatment funding. The Act also creates a new diversion program and a process for setting aside certain drug convictions. The Act goes into effect when the Governor signs it. Creates the crime of using or possession…

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Watch Out; Predictions for the 2024 Short Session

Excerpts from Rep. Scharf’s newsletter on 1-31-24… Measure 110 Plan:  The Legislature’s Joint Committee on Addiction and Community Safety Response released a framework  on Jan. 23rd in respond to soaring overdose deaths and widespread open-air drug use on Oregon streets. However, it fell short of delivering on what voters are saying in every poll – Recriminalize drugs.   (Willamette Week). The Democrat…

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House Republicans introduce bill to end Measure 110

Oregon House Republican lawmakers on Thursday (Jan 11, 2024) released details of a proposal that would end Measure 110 by mandating misdemeanor penalties for drug possession and treatment to avoid jail. House Republicans want to make possession of small amounts of fentanyl, heroin and meth a class A misdemeanor, which carries up to a year in jail, a fine of…

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