VOTE:YES – Died in Committee
Status (overview) of bill:https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2024R1/Measures/Overview/HB4036
This bill is the Republican’s solution to amend Measure 110.
The proposal is to change the rehab and treatment to makes sure the funding is effective, which has been poorly administrated. The Council currently doesn’t require treatment and has no goal of getting people clean. Funding is only available for harm reduction supplies. Millions go to non-profits that have no accountability.
It changes enforcement to a Class A misdemeanor, which is the same as a DUI with mandatory treatment to avoid prison. This strengthens the Democrat bill that calls for a Class C misdemeanor, which isn’t effective with a $100 fine that is rarely paid. No user goes to prison, but it does aim at dealers – holding them accountable.
The attempt is to not enable drug addiction. Twelve counties and cities have voted to repeal. However, treatment facilities are lacking.
An unofficial poll of 1,017 voted 90% that treatment be mandatory to avoid prison for hard drugs.
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