SJR 25 Requires passing school budget within 80 days

The measure would make the legislature pass the schools budget early in each long session. Proposes an amendment to the Oregon Constitution to require the Legislative Assembly, in each odd-numbered year regular session, to appropriate moneys to fund public education in the first 80 days of the session and before passing any other budget measure. Until the school budgets are…

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SJR 24 School choice

Proposes an amendment to the Oregon Constitution to establish the right of a parent to choose the school that the parent’s child attends. Requires the establishment of school choice accounts for parents who choose nonpublic education. Allows parents who choose nonpublic education to pay for expenses incurred in relation to the education of a child with moneys from a school…

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SB 521 Changes corporate kicker language

Died In Committee

SB 1546 Elliott State Research Forest

Signed into law by Gov Brown

SB 1521 Limits school board authority

Signed into law by Gov Brown

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

SB 299 Creates children’s service districts

Died In Committee

Clipart: Graduation cap and diploma

HB 2942 Allows criminals in K-12 classrooms

Died In Committee
Allows individuals convicted of drug dealing, sex crimes into K-12 settings