SB 12 Prohibits identify first election of judge as incumbent

Denys appointed judges from being characterized as the incumbent when running for election the first time. In an attempt to make judicial elections more competitive, this bill might put some friction in the Oregon Democratic Party’s judge machine where retiring judges let the Governor know in advance. The Governor appoints the replacement. This is all timed well before an election,…

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HB 3387 Allows PCP and county clerk candidates count ballots

Allows for a PCP or County Clerk candidates to help count ballots. A candidate for any office has a conflict of interest in opening ballots or be alone in a room with the open ballots. It makes the clerk liable and adds stress to the clerk. If the clerk is the candidate, there needs to be a deputy appointed to…

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HB 3012 Allows 16 & 17 year old to vote in school board elections

Permits someone who is 16 or 17 years old and registered to vote to cast a ballot in school district elections. There is a reason minimum ages are set at the point of gaining experiences. Until young people graduate from high school, they can’t know what responsibility feels like, no matter how smart. We have rules for “conflict of interest”…

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SB 210 In-person voting, day of election

Makes voting in person the normal method for voting. Requires voters to show picture ID when voting or requesting a ballot. Refers the Act to the people at the next general election. Makes in-person voting on the date of an election the standard method for conducting an election. Allows an elector to request a ballot that may be voted by…

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SJR 21 Citizens Redistricting Commission

Proposes an amendment to the Oregon Constitution establishing a Citizens Redistricting Commission to adopt redistricting maps for the Senate, House of Representatives and United States House of Representatives. Refers the proposed amendment to the people for their approval or rejection at the next regular general election. Current law allows politicians to draw districts to serve their own interests, and districts…

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Clipart: of an election building

HB 4133 Allows social security for voter registration

Signed into law by Gov Brown