SB 78 Restricts rebuilding after disaster

This Act limits the size of replacement homes on forest or farm land and establishes  the maximum size of replacement dwellings. This Act restricts what kind of, how big of, a replacement dwelling may be built on the land as a result of destruction or demolition of the dwelling. The law has already caused problems limiting the timeline of when…

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SB 85 closes Confined Animal Feeding Operations

PASSED – Signed into law by Gov. Kotek 7-27-23 and effective immediately

HB 2667 Bans confined animal feeding operations

Died In Committee

SB 199 Controlling predatory animals

Died in Committee

HB 2058 Agriculture overtime award

Signed into law by Gov Kotek

Image of baskets of vegetables

SB 33 Increases food license fees

VOTE: NO – Signed into Law by Gov Brown

Image of baskets of vegetables

SB 590 Organizes a Rangeland Protection Association & provided Fire Protection for Croplands

VOTE: YES – Signed into Law by Gov Brown

SB 590 Organizes a Rangeland Protection Association & provided Fire Protection for Croplands

Signed into Law by Gov Brown

SB 832 Mandates Covid-19 tests for Mink Farmers

SB 832 VOTE: NO Died In Committee on 06/26/2021 Status (overview) of bill: Committee assigned to bill: This bill mandates that mink farm owners not operate unless they have tested negative for COVID-19 within previous 10 days and directs the State Department of Agriculture to establish and implement contact tracing for mink farm workers. Personal Choice and Responsibility…

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HB 2358 Overtime for Agricultural Workers

HB 2358 VOTE: NO Died In Committee on 06/26/21 Status (overview) of bill: Committee assigned to bill: This bill eliminates the agricultural exemption for payment of overtime to agricultural workers and requires overtime pay in excess of 40 hours per workweek. Personal Choice and Responsibility This bill will impact everyone raising food cost or cause a scarcity of…

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