SB 63 Flat rate income tax for income under $50,000

SB 63

Status (overview) of bill:
Committee assigned to bill:

Imposes personal income tax at flat rate if a taxpayer has an adjusted gross income below $50,000. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2026.
Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.

This is a socialist policy of wealth distribution. It is a suppression of the American ideology that everyone is responsible and pays their fair share. The tax scale is already skewed. Reduction should be distributed equally across all levels. A person making $50,000 will pay $2000, and a person making $50,100 will pay $4244. That’s not a smooth transition resulting in less take-home pay discouraging advancement.


CURRENT                                                           AMENDMENT

If taxable income is:                                         If taxable income does not
Not over $2,000 4.75% of                              exceed $100,000 joint or
taxable income                                                 $50,000 individual – 4%

Over $2,000 but not                                      -deleted-
over $5,000 $95 plus 6.75%
of the excess over $2,000

Over $5,000 but not                                         Over $50,000 to $125,000 –
over $125,000 $298 plus 8.75%                    $298 plus 8.75% of the excess
of the excess over $5,000                                over $5,000

Over $125,000 $10,798 plus 9.9%                Over $125,000 – not changed
of the excess over $125,000

The amendment reads:

The rate of tax imposed under this chapter shall be four percent of taxable income,
if the taxpayer’s adjusted gross income does not exceed $100,000 if reported on a joint return or $50,000 for all other types of returns.

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