This Act limits the size of replacement homes on forest or farm land and establishes the maximum size of replacement dwellings.
This Act restricts what kind of, how big of, a replacement dwelling may be built on the land as a result of destruction or demolition of the dwelling. The law has already caused problems limiting the timeline of when the dwelling must finished, and how soon after rebuilding the demolished building’s debris must be removed.
The replacement dwelling may not exceed the floor area of the dwelling being replaced by more than 10 percent; or have a floor area greater than 2,500 square feet.
The “state” is screaming about not having enough housing, yet, they make it harder and more expensive at every turn for people to build, rebuild and keep their homes.
Why should a property owner be restricted as to what kind of house they rebuild to replace a home which has been destroyed due to government’s mismanagement? These restrictions makes it more difficult for property owners to rebuild and provide adequately for their growing family or their livelihood.
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