SB 1098 Prohibits removing school books

SB 1098 VOTE: NO
Work Session 03/10/2025 8:00am HR B
Status (overview) of bill:
Committee assigned to bill:

Prohibits discrimination when selecting or retaining school library materials, textbooks or instructional materials or when developing and implementing a curriculum. Prescribes requirements for the removal of library materials, textbooks and instructional materials. Directs the Department of Education to provide technical assistance for school library programs. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.

SB 1098 Prohibits removing school books and or materials , even if it is deemed inappropriate if the person or organization is deemed by ORS 659.850 to be based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, marital status, age or disability.

This will legalize porn in school literature that is otherwise illegal. It is child abuse and degrades the mind of our children. Studies show that pornography is the most addictive substance, even worse than cocaine. That’s because it is never satisfied, and always wants to go to the next level until it reaches rape and murder. The younger the exposure, the higher the risk. These legislators sponsoring this bill are playing political suicide with your kids. And they don’t want any challenges from voters – they are playing evil gods trying to take away your children into their dark world.

This will increase homeschooling and make public schools a den for the perverted.

The State Library reports there were 20 challenges to literature across the state but many went unreported solved internally. A clear pattern has emerged in recent OIFC reports: incidents and challenged materials are disproportionately about, by, or center the stories of individuals who belong to an underrepresented protected class under ORS 659.850. In 2023-24, 87% of the items challenged told the stories of one or more underrepresented groups. 66% of challenged materials focused on 2SLGBTQIA+ people, while 22% centered Black, Indigenous, or people of color. This bill seems to be a challenge to our discrimination statues and how it has conditioned us, forced us, to be tolerant of immorality.




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  1. RE: NO to SB 1098 The Wounds That Won’t Heal Detransitioner Chloe Cole EP 319

    I believe that exposure to pornography in school curriculum/books K-12 can sexualize children before their time which can leave them defenseless and without discernment against child trafficking. There is a high demand for human trafficking and organ harvesting. The following YouTube by Chloe Cole is very eye opening about a young lady who is still suffering wounds that won’t heal. (Physical and emotional) Please consider watching this eye opening YouTube.

    The Wounds That Won’t Heal Detransitioner Chloe Cole EP 319

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