Died in Committee
HB 2626 establishes a State Apprenticeship Education and Training fund to be overseen by the Bureau of Labor and Industry.
Personal Choice
Individuals already have ample opportunities for education and training.
Individuals already have ample opportunities for education and training.
Fiscal Responsibility
This is a ‘gimme’ to the construction industry. While the intent may be good, this is something that the construction industry is capable of providing without additional taxpayer or legislative involvement.
This is a ‘gimme’ to the construction industry. While the intent may be good, this is something that the construction industry is capable of providing without additional taxpayer or legislative involvement.
Limited Government
There are ample opportunities for education already provided by the state or subsidized by the state. The Oregon taxpayer does not need to provide additional funding for this activity.
There are ample opportunities for education already provided by the state or subsidized by the state. The Oregon taxpayer does not need to provide additional funding for this activity.
Local Control
Schools have done away with shop programs in high schools. These classes have left many without basic skills that could be taken into construction jobs. It’s time to put shop classes back in high schools. Money better spent than on new grant programs for apprenticeships.
Schools have done away with shop programs in high schools. These classes have left many without basic skills that could be taken into construction jobs. It’s time to put shop classes back in high schools. Money better spent than on new grant programs for apprenticeships.
Free Markets
If business or industry sees the need to offer apprenticeships to encourage the acquisition of the skills they need in their labor force, they should be free to offer such. If there are current impediments to such, these should be removed through legislative action rather than creating a new program.
No tags for this post.If business or industry sees the need to offer apprenticeships to encourage the acquisition of the skills they need in their labor force, they should be free to offer such. If there are current impediments to such, these should be removed through legislative action rather than creating a new program.
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