HB 3180 Accelerates decarbonizing electric grid

Died In Committee on 06-26-21
Status (overview) of bill:https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Measures/Overview/HB3180
Committee assigned to bill:https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Committees/HEE/Overview

This bill provides a method for accelerating the decarbonization of the grid to an emissions based approach that is a more comprehensive strategy producing more assured outcomes giving PUC greater leverage to direct utilities to meet requirements.

Personal Choice and Responsibility
The bill changes rates from customer based rates to a development model for rates, which will raise rates.

Fiscal Responsibility
Allow utilities to procure immediately. The bill was crafted by NewSun Energy and is self-serving. Their projected cost to customers is an increase of $1 per month average initially increasing to $1.50 by 2035. However, the Utilities commission projects that the limitations on usage for utilities will impact the rates significantly. It requires an investment of $4 billion by utilities that is passed through to ratepayers and does not get rid of costs to compensate. A cost comparison and resource analysis must be made before all aspects can be evaluated to the affects.

Limited Government
Senate Bill 1547 (2016) last revised the large utility renewable portfolio standard (RPS) to require that by 2040 at least 50% of electricity sold be by a qualifying source allowing use of biomass or direct combustion of municipal solid waste. HB 3180-3 Amendment establishes that the large utility RPS imposes specific qualifying electricity requirements on an electric utility that makes sales of electricity in an amount that equals 23% or more of all electricity sold to retail electricity consumers by 2022, 63% by 2030, 90% by 2035 and 100% by 2050. Electric utilities are not required to comply with a RPS to the extent that compliance would require the electric utility to substitute qualifying electricity for legacy carbon-free electricity that is available to the utility by ownership or contract if signed prior to this act with exceptions. Requires an electric company to develop an integrated, clean energy implementation plan for meeting the requirements of all clean energy standards applicable to the electric company and file the implementation plan with PUC. Bill and Amendment summary: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Downloads/CommitteeMeetingDocument/238249

Free Markets
Added as qualifying energy is ‘Legacy carbon-free electricity’ includes electricity, other than electricity described in ORS 469A.060 (2), that does not otherwise constitute qualifying electricity includes BPA electricity other than the BPA electricity described in ORS 469A.060 or generated by a hydroelectric facility or a nuclear facility that is not marketed by the Bonneville Power Administration and established prior to this act and limitations on storage.


rep.pammarsh@oregonlegislature.gov, rep.kenhelm@oregonlegislature.gov, Rep.DavidBrockSmith@oregonlegislature.gov, Rep.TinaKotek@oregonlegislature.gov, Rep.RaquelMooreGreen@oregonlegislature.gov, Rep.MarkOwens@oregonlegislature.gov, Rep.KhanhPham@oregonlegislature.gov


  1. David Klaus says:

    With an abundance of clean burning and efficient fossil fuels available, there is no need to rush this through on the timetable provided. The technology does not exist at present to decarbonize the electric grid in a cost efficient manner. The additional costs incurred by utilities will undoubtedly be passed along to commercial and retail consumers, driving up the cost of goods and services, and diminishing the standard of living for the average person.

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