HB 4105 Restricts Oil and Gas Production and Transportation

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Status (overview) of bill:https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2020R1/Measures/Overview/HB4105
Committee assigned to bill:https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2020R1/Committees/HEE/Overview

This bill establishes standards to prohibit construction or new infrastructure for exploration and production of oil and gas on state property and also prevents the transportation of gas and oil across state property

Personal Choice and Responsibility
Restricting movement of fuel will impact its cost and raise prices of all production and products.

Fiscal Responsibility
As the nation is now energy independent, Oregon is going the other direction. Restricting movement of fuels across state property (Section 2 (2)(b)) does not exclude highways. Whether or not intended, this bill will have a dramatic impact on fuel prices and the economy.

Limited Government
Requires facilities that unload oil or gas from rail cars to notify the Department of Transportation of the volume, type and vapor pressure, no later than 14 days in advance of the facility’s receipt of each shipment. Requires ODOT, in turn, to inform the State Fire Marshal. Authorizes ODOT to impose maximum penalty of $2,500 per day for violations and to conduct necessary rule making. Requires ODOT to notify the Legislature at the end of the first calendar year during which the volume of oil and gas transported by rail exceeds 105 percent of the volume transported in 2018. Prohibits the loading or unloading of oil or gas from rail cars with vapor pressure of nine pounds per square inch or more, three years after the start of the calendar year that first exceeds 105 percent of the volume transported in 2018, and authorizes maximum penalty of $2,500 per day for violations of same.

Free Markets
Government overreach restricting the free markets.


  1. Jennifer Brown says:


  • Michael S Brainard says:

    Looks like the State will have to adopt walking and they cant transportation (in a vehicle) gas on state property

  • Jennifer Breidenbach-Cote says:

    No doubt, they’ll vote themselves an exemption.

  • David DeSau says:

    More crap from the lunatic left – we have had enough of these clowns in Salem trying to turn this State into a 3rd World Country..

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